Wipe Cycle

Bumfuzzlernilla, Raiding Parties, Makeover

Hey Bumfuzzlers! The Bumfuzzlernilla server has gotten a redesign, both servers had some graphical makeovers, there's new Discord voice channels, raiding party bases, some wipe talk, and some wipes happening! Read on for full info!

Thursday, Footings, Patch

Hey Bumfuzzlers! I've got a few updates for ya as we head into this month's first wipe on Thursday! We've got a patch coming today which should give us some new goodies, I've made some [...]

Workshop, Shock, Shopping

Well, it's that time of year again Bumfuzzlers! Being naughty or nice will determine whether you get coal or goodies! Lucky for you, all Bumfuzzlers are nice! That means, no matter what, you get goodies [...]

Signal, Clans, Goods

I've got some updates for you Bumfuzzlers! We've got talk about Rust patches, signals, airdrops, stacking items, smoke rockets, the SuperHeli and more! Read on! Signal Cooldown (Modtopia) Unfortunately it appears the supply signal cooldown [...]

Goods, Melt, Build

Hey Bumfuzzlers, I have some changes to report on! We've just wiped Modtopia today and I've got some massive changes to zambies, kits, loot, crafting, smelting and the wipe cycle! Dig in! Map Size (Modtopia) [...]

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