Command List
The following commands are valid on Bumfuzzler Rust servers. However, not all commands are available on all servers, some are available only after achieving certain Prestige levels (/prestige) and others are available only when purchasing specific packages from the shop.
- Absolute Sorter
- /sorthelp – Show help text with information on how to use the plugin
- /whatisthis – Print the name of the entity you are looking at.
- Auto Code Lock
- /code auto – toggles autolock feature on/off
- /code pin – shows your current pin on/off
- /code guest – toggles guest pin feature on/off
- /code door – toggles deploy with a door on/off
- /code box – toggles deploy with a box on/off
- /code locker – toggles deploy with a locker on/off
- /code cup – toggles deploy with cupboard on/off
- /code update pin – updates all doors with the current pin
- /code update guestpin – updates all doors with current guest pin
- Auto Doors
- /ad – toggles automatic door closing on/off
- /ad
- /ad
- /ad – toggles automatic door closing on/off for the door you are looking at
- /ad
- /ad – toggles automatic door closing on/off for the type of door you are looking at
- /ad
- /ad – view help
- Automatic Authorization
- /autoauth – View status of automatic authorization
- /autoauth – Enable/Disable automatic authorization for your team members
- /autoauth – Sharing cupboard with your team members
- /autoauth – Sharing turret with your team members
- /autoauth [door / box / other] – Sharing key lock with your team members
- /autoauth [door / box / other] – Sharing code lock with your team members
- /autoauth – View help
- /autoauthui – Open Automatic Authorization UI
- Backpacks
- /backpack — open your own backpack
- /backpackgui — toggle whether you can see the backpack GUI button
- Bgrades
- /bgrade t — Change the players disable timer
- /bgrade 0 — Disable BGrade
- /bgrade 1 — Enable automatic Wood upgrades
- /bgrade 2 — Enable automatic Stone upgrades
- /bgrade 3 — Enable automatic Metal upgrades
- /bgrade 4 — Enable automatic Armoured upgrades
- Booby Traps
- /trap — Displays the help menu and traps available to the player
- /trap costs — Shows the costs for that trap type
- /trap set — Set a trap on the object the player is looking at
- /trap remove — Remove a trap if it is set by the player
- /trap check — Check the object the player is looking at for any traps set by themselves
- Building Skins
- /bskin — Allows you to chose your default building skins
- Buried Treasure
- /markmap – while holding a map, mark the location on the map with the “explosion” icon to show the location of the treasure.
- /sellgold – while holding gold coins, sells them for economic currency.
- /treasurehelp – shows a list of available commands.
- Drawbridges
- /bridge.use – this will toggle any bridge within use range that is not locked down and is owned by you. Unless you allow Friends or Clan mates. then they can toggle then as well.
- / – while looking at a foundation or floor, it will place a new bridge on it.
- /bridge.rotate – while standing on a bridge base block, it will turn the bridge 90 degrees each use. you can only rotate your own bridges.
- /bridge.lock – while standing on a bridge base block, it will lock ONLY that bridge from moving. Toggling this again will unlock that bridge. you can only lock your own bridges.
- /bridge.count – this will give the player his current bridge count.
- /bridge.destroy – this will allow players to destroy their own bridge while standing on the bridge base block.
- /bridge.setplate – this will place a pressure plate (landmine) on the bridge base block. when stepped on, it will toggle players’ local bridges within user range just as if they used the chat command /bridge.use. Using this command on a block that has a pressure plate, will remove that plate.
- Building Grades
- /up [grade] [filter] – Upgrade each block that is attached to the building you are looking at by one grade or to a selected grade. e.g. /up , /up 2, /up 1 wall, /up wall
- /down [grade] [filter] – Downgrade each block which is attached to the building you are looking at by one grade or to selected grade. e.g. /down, /down 1, /down 1 wall, /down wall
- /up and /down – Upgrade/Downgrade an entire building (won’t upgrade buildings that are close to each other) (VERY fast even on big buildings) .
- /upall and /downall – Upgrade/Downgrade everything that touches each other starting where you are looking at (will upgrade/downgrade multiple buildings if they are too close to each other) (might be slow for big buildings)
- Buried Treasure
- /markmap – while the player is holding a Treasure map, it will let them mark the location on their map with an “explosion” icon to show approx. location of Treasure. A map will be used up. Players can also Right-click quick move a map that is in their quick bar to do the same.
- /sellgold – while the player is holding gold coins, it will let them sell them for Reward points or Economic currency if enabled. Players can also Right-click quick move a map that is in their quick bar to do the same.
- /treasurehelp – will show the player a list of commands for this plugin.
- Car Commander
- /flipcar – Allows players to flip upside-down cars (if enabled in the config)
- CCTV Utilities
- /cctv help – Show help information in console
- /cctv status – Show a list of all cameras (in selected category) in the console
- /cctv add – Add cameras in the selected category to the computer station you’re currently looking at
- /cctv clear – Clears cameras from the computer station you’re currently looking at
- /cctv rename – Rename a camera identifier remotely
- /cctv autoname – Automatically names cameras as they are placed
- /cctv autoadd – Automatically adds cameras to the computer station when placed
- /cctv autopowered – Automatically powers cameras when placed / server restarts
- /cctv about – Show information about plugin
- Chill Diving
- /diving on – Turns diving bar on
- /diving off – Turns diving bar off
- /diving view bar – A player can change the information shown
- /diving view value – A player can change the information shown
- /diving view all – A player can change the information shown
- /diving add alert – Add or update a single alert
- /diving add alert – To add a repeating alarm till 0 or the next level
- /diving remove alert – To remove an alert
- /diving add range – to add or update a color range
- /diving show alerts – The player can check his alerts and ranges by using the following commands
- /diving show ranges – The player can check his alerts and ranges by using the following commands
- /diving reset – A player can reset the custom data back to the defaults defined by the configuration
- /diving colors list – Displays the list of color names
- /diving colors help – Short info about the color usage
- Chill Fuel
- /fuel – toggles display interface on/off to view fuel values
- Claim Vehicle
- /vclaim – Claim ownership of the vehicle you are aiming at. It must be unowned, unmounted, and not have a lock deployed to it by another player. You must also not be building blocked.
- /vunclaim – Relinquish ownership of the vehicle you are aiming at. You must already own it.
- Clans Reborn
- /clan – the clan overview
- /clan help | /clanhelp – shows the help
- /c – clan chat
- /cinfo – info about other clans
- /cff – toggles players ff status
- Clans User Interface
- /cmenu – opens the menu
- Discord Connect
- /dc – provides a list of commands
- /dc join – to start the link process
- /dc leave – to unlink yourself from discord
- Drawbridges
- /bridge.use – toggles drawbridge within the use range that is not locked down and is owned by you.
- / – while looking at a foundation or floor, it will place a new bridge on it.
- /bridge.rotate – while standing on a bridge base block, it will turn the bridge 90 degrees each use.
- /bridge.lock – while standing on a bridge base block, locks the bridge from moving.
- /bridge.count – this will give the player his current bridge count.
- /bridge.destroy – this will allow players to destroy their bridge.
- /bridge.setplate – this will place a pressure plate on the bridge base block.
- /bridge.setpublicplate – this will place a public pressure plate.
- Drone Spawn
- /dronespawn – spawns a drone
- Easy Vote
- /vote — Show vote link(s)
- /claim — Claim vote reward(s)
- /rewardlist — Display what reward(s) can get
- Fishing
- /castpole – while looking at water and holding a handmade fishing pole, casts the fishing pole.
- /makepole – while holding any type of spear, makes a brand new handmade fishing pole.
- /fishchance – returns the current time of day and the percentage chance you will catch a fish.
- Frame Box
- /fb add – to see the available positions to place a sign
- /fb add right – to place a sign on the right
- /fb add frontleft – to place a sign on the front left
- /fb add all – to place a sign in all positions specified in the config
- /fb remove – to remove a sign you’re looking at
- /fb remove all – to remove all signs on the box
- /fb cost – to get the cost of the sign
- /fb unlock – to unlock the sign to allow edits again
- /fb unlock all – to unlock all signs on the box
- /fb – to see this help text again
- Furnace Splitter
- /fs – Shows the status and help options
- /fs on – To enable Furnace Splitter
- /fs off – To disable Furnace Splitter
- Gather Control
- /showrate – Show player’s gather multiplier
- Handyman
- /handyman on/off – Turn functionality on/off for self
- /handyman – Check if functionality is on/off for self
- Home Recycler
- /rec – crafts a recycler based on available inventory
- Homes GUI
- /home – Opens the home GUI
- /home {home} – Teleports you to the home
- /sethome {home} – Creates a new home at your position
- /delhome {home} – Deletes the home
- /listhomes – Lists all your homes
- Horse Whistle
- /whistle set – Sets the name of the horse you’re looking at
- /whistle – Calls horse to you by name
- Item Skin Randomizer
- /reskin – Randomizes skin it item you’re holding or looking at
- Kits
- /kit – Opens the kit user interface
- Limit Entities
- /limit – Gets the current limit list
- Magic Panel
- /mp – shows the magic panel help text
/mp off- hides all panels for the player
/mp on – shows all panels to the player
- /mp – shows the magic panel help text
- Monument Radiation
- /mr – Displays time left until radiation is activated/deactivated
- Night Lantern
- /lantern global – Toggle lights and automation on/off across the whole server
/lantern campfire – Toggle automation on campfires you own
/lantern firepit – Toggle automation on firepits you own
/lantern fireplace – Toggle automation on fireplaces you own
/lantern furnace – Toggle automation on furnaces you own
/lantern largefurnace – Toggle automation on large furnaces you own
/lantern lanterns – Toggle automation on lanterns you own
/lantern jackolantern – Toggle automation on jack-o-lanterns you own
/lantern tunalight – Toggle automation on tuna can lights you own
/lantern searchlight – Toggle automation on searchlights you own
/lantern refinery – Toggle automation on refineries you own
/lantern cursedcauldren – Toggle automation on cursed cauldrons you own
/lantern chineselantern – Toggle automation on Chinese lanterns you own
- /lantern global – Toggle lights and automation on/off across the whole server
- NPC Raiders
- /raidme – Will show raid help menu
- /raidme buy – Will show raid buy help menu and costs
- /raidme buy – To start raid of the type
- Offline Doors
- /ofd – Toggles offline doors on/off
- Player Challenges
- /pc – Shows leaderboard
- Player Ranks
- /pr – Shows current wipe leaderboard
- Playtime Tracker
- /playtime – Display your playtime
- /playtime top – Display the top 10 playtimes
- Prestige
- /prestige – Opens the Prestige user interface
- /loyalty – shows your loyalty points and prestige level in chat
- /loyalty top – shows top players based on loyalty points earned
- Private Messages
- /pm – Send a private message to the player
- /r – Reply to your most recent private message
- /pmhistory – Show the previous 5 messages of PM with that player
- Quests
- /q – Open the quest menu
- Raid Alarm
- /raidalarm – Display some help information
- /raidalarm test – Send a test raid alarm notification
- /raidalarm status – Get the status of the raid alarm
- /raidalarm enable/disable – Enable/disable the raid alarm
- Raid Sympathy
- /sympathy – checks if you have Raid Sympathy resources to receive
- /sympathy get – receives Raid Sympathy resources
- Rejoin Rewards
- /claimrejoin – Claims rewards when joining after a server restart
- Raidable Bases
- /buyraid – allows player to buy a Raidable Base using reward points
- Removal Tool
- /remove [time (seconds)] – Enable/Disable RemoverTool
- /remove – View help
- Reset Code Locks
- /code [####] – Reset all owned code locks with specified code
- Server Rewards
- /rewards check – Display current reward points and total time played on the server
- /s – Opens the reward store
- Show Crosshair
- /crosshair – Open crosshair selection menu
- Sign Artist
- /sil – Download the image from the URL to the server and display it on the sign you are currently looking at.
- /silt – Downloads a generated image with the given text and optional font size, color, and color displayed on the sign you are currently looking at.
- /sili – Adds currently held item icon to sign or frame.
- /sili default – Add currently held item icon with default skin
- Sign Manager
- /signmanager – Opens SignManager UI when looking at a sign
- Sign Map
- /sm – displays the sign map to help text
/sm maps – displays the list of available map renders that can be used
/sm undo – will undo the previously generate sign map and refund the items to the player
/sm gen 2 2 – will generate a 2 x 2 map grid. The map the player is looking at will be the bottom left corner of the grid.
/sm gen 2 2 <nr|norotation:optional> – will generate a 2 x 2 map grid. Will disable correcting the rotation of the sign.
/sm gen 2 2 – will generate a 2 x 2 map grid. Using a different map render from /sm maps command.
- /sm – displays the sign map to help text
- Skinbox
- /skinbox – Opens the skin box user interface
- Skip Night UI
- /voteday – Used to cast your vote
- Skull Crusher
- /skulls – Shows how many skulls you have crushed
- Sliding Doors
- /sdoor – Add/remove a sliding door component for the door you’re looking at
- Spawn Modular Car
- /mycar 2|3|4 – Spawn your own car
- /mycar fetch – Call the car to your location
- /mycar destroy – Ability to destroy your car
- /mycar common list – Show a list of presets
- /mycar common load – Modify car w/presets
- /mycar common list – Show a list of presets
- /mycar common load – Apply a preset
- ArmoredBus (3), ArmoredMiniBus (2), ArmoredSpeedBuggy (2), ArmoredStorage(4), LargeCamper (4), LootMiniTruck (3), LootTruck (4), SpeedyStorage (3), SmallCamper (3), StorageBuggy (2), WaterTruck (4)
- Super Skin Combos
- /superskincombo – check the status of whether you have a Super Skin combo or not.
- Teleport User Interface
- /tp – opens the teleport user interface
- /tpr [player] – sends a teleport request to the specified player
- /tpa – accepts the incoming teleport request
- /tpd – denies the incoming teleport request
- /tpc – cancels the teleport
- /tpllist – lists saved locations
- Trade
- /trade – opens the trade user interface
- /taccept – accepts the trade request from a player
- /tcancel – cancels the trade
- Voteday
- /voteday – determines if nighttime is skipped each day
- Warp
- /warp – brings up the menu to warp to monuments
- Zlevels
- /stats – provides an overview of gathering stats