Tastefully Balanced Modifications
Bumfuzzlertopia [] is an extremely unique Rust experience you won’t find anywhere else. Custom plugins, painstakingly crafted configurations, a loyal community, and active admins will become your new favorite. Keeps the core Rust gameplay intact, but simply layers logical extensions to Facepunch‘s originally intended design.

So many more exciting features!
“I jumped on here for the hell of
it, but now I absolutely
LOVE this server.” – Osmosis Jones
Starter (Automatic Access)
From the first time you join, you’ll have access to all of these plugins automatically. To access higher loyalty levels you’ll need to gain loyalty points. Use /loyalty to check your points.
- Automatic Build Upgrades allow you to build directly to chosen material (!bgrade)
- Automatically add cameras to Computer Stations (!cctv)
- Treasure maps lead to buried treasure, gold coins are used in the store (!treasure)
- Comprehensive clan functionality allows you to manage your group (!clan)
- Graphically manage your clans and avoid typing commands (/cmenu)
- Get alerted on your mobile device when you’re raided (!raidalert)
- Create dynamic draw bridges and control access to your base (/bridge.help)
- Kill messages announce to the server your kill, weapon used, and distance
- Fireworks displays at night drop various loot at random monuments.
- Catch fish using a spear or a fishing pole (!fishing)
- Friends can’t be hurt and automatically get code lock and cupboard access (/friends)
- Send Private Messages, get audible alerts and see history (/pm /r /pmhistory)
- Graphically manage your friends through an intuitive interface (/fmenu)
- Sets home points and teleport to them (1 home, unlimited daily, 15 min cooldown, 20 sec countdown) (/home /sethome /delhome)
- Receive starting, daily, and reward packages of loot and items (!kit)
- Meteor showers randomly occur dropping valuable loot cosmically
- Pockets of radiation dissipate around monuments from time to time (/mr)
- Earn titles and reward kits for taking first place in a number of challenges (/pc)
- Earn points for game time, unlocking new levels and perks (/loyalty /loyalty top)
- Go on adventures achieving quests to receive various rewards (/q)
- Build yourself a houseboat complete with lights, protection, and storage (/raft)
- Craft turrets and remote into them for complete control (/rt add )
- Reconfigure your base by demolishing structures (/remove)
- Reset your code lock codes all with one command (/code)
- Horses are fun, but you can also ride bears, boars, and chickens (!tame) [Temporarily Disabled]
- RustNET network controls cameras, turrets, searchlights (/rustnet /terminal add)
- Shine a light on enemies with full control of searchlights (/sl add )
- Change your item’s skins and decorate your base the way you want (/skinbox)
- Take a vote on whether night stays or day prevails (/voteday)
- Seize your enemy’s skull, crushing it and announce your win to the world (/skulls)
- Receive sympathy when you’re raided and get back some resources (/sympathy)
- Graphically manage teleports (unlimited, 15 min cooldown, 20 sec countdown) (/tp)
- Trade with other players from a safe distance (/trade)
- The graphical menu gives you a solid server overview (/ui | bind f5 “UI_OpenUniversalUI”)
- Increase your gathering skills with a graphical gather ranking interface (/stats)
- Super Skin Combos provide you with access to boosts for wearing specific sets of attire.
Level 0 (Newborn – 1 loyalty point)
Level 1 (Inhabitant – 5 loyalty points)
Level 2 (Dweller – 10 loyalty points)
Level 3 (Settler – 15 loyalty points)
Level 4 (Denizen – 20 loyalty points)
Level 5 (Native – 30 loyalty points)
Level 6 (Resident – 45 loyalty points)
Level 7 (Seasoned – 60 loyalty points)
Level 8 (Recognized – 100 loyalty points)
Level 9 (Sanctioned – 200 loyalty points)
Level 10 (Legitimate – 350 loyalty points)
Level 11 (National – 500 loyalty points)
Level 12 (Citizen – 750 loyalty points)
Level 13 (Freeman – 1,000 loyalty points)
- Pills Here: Radiation pills increase health, hunger, and thirst by 20%
- Show Crosshair: Shows crosshair on-screen (/crosshair)
- Building Grades: Upgrade entire buildings anywhere in your base (/up)
- Be alerted via chat on players in your perimeter (/scan)
- Place locks on window shutters to stop prying eyes
Level 14 (Warhorse – 1,500 loyalty points)
- Sign Manager: Automatically save and reapply signs (/sm)
- Rotate your security cameras to catch those corners (WASD when activated)
- Call in a raid on your own base. Unlocks medium raid level (/raidme)
Level 15 (Veteran – 2,000 loyalty points)
- Backpack (small): increased inventory space (/backpack | Bind B backpack.open)
- Homes Increase: 5-minute cooldown reduction, 5-second countdown reduction
- Summary: 2 homes, unlimited daily, 10 min cooldown, 10-sec countdown (-10) (/home)
- Earn $3 for every 4 barrels you break for use in-store (/s)
Level 16 (Devoted – 2,500 loyalty points)
- Boobytraps: set fire & shock traps on boxes and doorways (/trap)
- Handyman: Repair all structural items from one place (/handyman)
- Elevators have 10 max floors (+4)
- Craft your own stealthy drone (/dronespawn) cooldown 3 days, 250m range
Level 17 (Faithful – 3,000 loyalty points)
- Use alternative building skins for your structures (/bskin)
- Snap Traps reset automatically after being triggered
- Create dump boxes with the Auto Dump functionality
- Spawn your own minicopter every 3 days (/mymini)
Level 18 (Fidelity – 3,500 loyalty points)
- Recycler: Craft a recycler for your base (/rec)
- Check scanner logs of players who’ve been in your perimeter (/scan)
- Call in a raid on your own base. Unlocks hard raid level (/raidme)
Level 19 (Promised – 4,000 loyalty points)
- Teleport Increase: unlimited teleport requests, 10 min cooldown (-5), 10 sec countdown (-5) (/tp)
- Teleport directly to the Outpost (/otp)
- Teleport directory to the Bandit Camp (/btp)
Level 20 (Allegiance – 5,000 loyalty points)
- Backpack Increase (medium): increased inventory space (/backpack | Bind B backpack.open)
- Homes Increase: 5-minute cooldown reduction, 5-second countdown reduction
- Summary: 2 homes, unlimited daily, 5 min cooldown, 5 sec countdown (/home)
- Offline Doors: All your doors automatically close when you or last team member signs off (/ofd)
- Earn $4 for every 4 barrels you break for use in-store (/s)
Level 21 (Loyalist – 6,000 loyalty points)
- AutoCodeLock: Automatically places code lock from inventory, sets code and locks code lock (/codelock)
- Elevators show floor numbers using counters
Level 22 (Landsman – 7,000 loyalty points)
- Boobytraps Increase: set fire, shock, landmine & beartraps on boxes and doorways (/trap)
- Place picture frames on boxes for easy organization (/fb)
- Ability to build water bases further from shore (150 meters from shore)
Level 23 (Patriot – 8,000 loyalty points)
- Elevators have 15 max floors (+9)
- Decreased drone crafting cooldown (/dronespawn) cooldown 2 days
- Increased drone range (/dronespawn) 500m range
Level 24 (Personage – 9,000 loyalty points)
- Medic Revive: pick up wounded with a syringe
- Instant Research: Research table activity is instantaneous
- Teleport Increase: unlimited teleport requests (+10), 5 min cooldown (-10), 5 sec countdown (-25) (/tp)
- Elevators move 2 times faster
Level 25 (VIP – 10,000 loyalty points)
- Backpack Increase (large): increased inventory space (/backpack | Bind B backpack.open)
- Homes Increase: 1 additional home, 2-second countdown reduction
- Summary: 3 homes, unlimited daily, 5 min cooldown, 3-sec countdown (/home)
- M249 Kit: m249 + bullets, 2 week cooldown (/kit)
- Earn $5 for every 4 barrels you break for use in-store (/s)
Level 26 (Superstar – 15,000 loyalty points)
- Teleport Increase: unlimited teleport requests, 5 min cooldown (-10), 3 sec countdown (-12) (/tp)
- Elevators move 4 times faster
- Call in a raid on your own base. Unlocks expert raid level (/raidme)
Level 27 (Iconic – 20,000 loyalty points)
- Unlimited fuel for rowboats
- Call in a raid on your own base. Unlocks nightmare raid level (/raidme)
Level 28 (Exemplar – 25,000 loyalty points)
- Backpack Increase (very large): increased inventory space (/backpack | Bind B backpack.open)
- Drawbridges: Amount of available draw bridges increased from 2 to 10 (/bridge.help)
- Ability to build water bases further from shore (200 meters from shore)
- Unlimited fuel for RHIBs
Level 29 (Kindred – 30,000 loyalty points)
- Boobytraps Increase: set fire, shock, landmine, bear traps, and explosives on boxes and doorways (/trap)
- Trapper Increase: snap traps & mines don’t trigger for owner/friends/authorized, snap traps automatically reset
- Spawn your own minicopter every 1 day (/mymini)
- Unlimited fuel for minicopters
Level 30 (Blood – 35,000 loyalty points)
- AutoCodeLock: Automatically places code lock, sets code and locks code lock (/codelock)
- Homes Increase: 2-second countdown reduction
- Summary: 3 homes, unlimited daily, 5 min cooldown, 1 sec countdown (/home)
- Teleport Increase: unlimited teleport requests, 2 min 30 sec cooldown (-10), 1 sec countdown (-14) (/tp)
- Earn $6 for every 4 barrels you break for use in-store (/s)