Rocket Launcher

Floating Water Bases, Drones, Prom

Hey Bumfuzzlers! We've got another week of serious expansion with some serious game-changing features! Drone crafting, floating water bases, multiple new packages, unlimited RHIB fuel fixes, auto code lock changes for streamers, a Prom event by one of our Bumfuzzlers, an upcoming wipe tomorrow, and what appears to be a massive Rust patch by Facepunch coming up. Read on!

Rockets, Tree Hugging, Raided

Planting trees, enhanced generator fuel limits, raid block changes, SuperSkin Rocket Launcher modifications, splitting and smelting changes, loot adjustments, Earl comes to nilla along with raid alerts and a wipe is imminent with new Facepunch stuff coming!

RustNET, Terminals, WipeBlock

I've got massive update for you Bumfuzzlers this week for sure cause this week, we're rolling out the goodies! - and some other changes too! Read on for information on RustNET, automated searchlights, remote turrets, [...]

Skin Perks, Stacks, Loot

I've been dying to share this one with you Bumfuzzlers :)  We've got skins, super powers, new stacking abilities and loot adjustments! Let's not waste any time :) Skin Perks There are skins, that will present themselves [...]

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