
Today was the customary Thursday patch (wipe next week) and it’s just been applied for your gaming pleasure. You can find the changes down below.

Also however, there were a couple of server changes I hope you’ll enjoy 🙂

  • Added new graphical kit menu. Use /kit for easy access to all the kits on the server.
  • Airdrop will now and forever be referred to as a Nacho Shipment! 🙂 Toss a signal and you’ll see what I mean lol
  • I’m still finding some issues here and there with Loyalty assigning the proper VIP Levels. Please let me know if you feel you didn’t receive the proper perks.

And now for the patch…

177 September 14 2017

NEW New tank sounds
NEW Combat log now indicates when someone is killed or wounded
UPDATED Download skins in background rather than waiting for them in loading screen
UPDATED Updated EAC API & SDK (fixes “EAC Disconnected” error)
UPDATED Client no longer stalls while spawning the map from cache
UPDATED Eliminated some GC allocations from nested coroutines
UPDATED Improved lighting: direct light now softer and ambient lighting less saturated
UPDATED Improved shadow casting: reduced floating shadows and light leaking
UPDATED Vending machines drop no loot + 25% increased health
UPDATED Autoturrets no longer have magical long range after something is targeted
FIXED Occludable sound voice limiting perf fix
FIXED Fixed game manifest download sometimes silently failing
FIXED Fixed official server list sometimes being shown as empty
FIXED Fixed ragdoll messed up level of detail
FIXED Fixed fly swarm not following ragdoll
FIXED Fixed another error thrown by culling on RetrieveAndApplyVisibility
FIXED Fixed visibility error when joining a server after finishing a demo play
