
More tweaks to Modtopia Bumfuzzlers! More tweaks! I’m trying to my best to bring things back in line based on your feedback and also with the 1 week wipe cycle. I believe this will happen naturally with gradual changes over the next few wipes. Please provide me with extra feedback during this time. Nothing is written in stone. I’m just doing my best to make things work better. Here we go!

In-Game Store

I think the Skin Perks sold in the store /s were just too cheap. These items are truly powerful! Gaining access to a 2 x damage Bolty or a 2 x gather rate axe, for instance, should be somewhat challenging. With that, I upped all Skin Perk items by 2 RP or $100.

Also with the recent changes to the supply drops I decided to raise the cost of a supply signal 3 RP or $150. The supply drops now have ammo and good weapons along with the Skin Perks and give you multiple quality items so it shouldn’t be that easy to get. Keep in mind you can still /vote for daily signals and there’s also a /kit you can use every 48 hours.

Supply Drops

I’ve made a couple more changes with supply drops.

  • Supply Signals now cooldown for 15 seconds. I’m hoping to allow ‘x’ number of drops within a time frame, but for now I need to prevent server lag just in case someone wants to spam them.
  • I’ve added Blueberries and Blackberries for those of you who are starving. Thanks MrNiceGuy 🙂
  • I’ve weakened the supply signals barely and strengthened the timed airdrops slightly. I want to entice players to go after the automated drops more. The difference is more C4, more weapons and more ammo.


I’ve changed the settings for robbery in that now you are unable to rob money from friends and clan mates. A few people have accidentally stolen funds from one another.

Btw, it appears that the money stolen from players is random so there isn’t a set number you can expect. You might get a little, you might get a lot. I’ve heard of situations where players stole 60% of the other person’s  money. Others players got just a tiny bit. The amount is random.

Auto Code Lock

I’ve noticed some players are concerned with the auto code lock – a plugin which automatically sets your combination to code locks the minute you place a code lock. They’re worried that the code used might be something other players would have too. This is surely not the case.

When you place a code lock, the server generates a unique code for you that stays with you unless you change it using /codelock. Every player gets their own unique code. Of course the purpose of the plugin, which I personally love, is to save you the time of entering the same code over and over. That’s a clear waste of time.

To combat this fear, I’ve changed the message you see when you place a code lock to this:

CodeLock secured and locked with your unique personal code: <CODE>. Use /codelock to change it.

This should make it more clear.

Meteor Showers

A few weeks back I recognized that meteor showers were giving quite a bit of resources. At the same time, I figure due to the potential danger involved, maybe that’s ok. In turn, I’ve made a couple of changes to create a much wider range of reward so sometimes the shower might be amazing, but other times just so so. You can also expect to gain raw materials from the showers too. No more refined High Quality Metal and Metal Fragments! You can at least cook the dang resources! 🙂

I’ve changed the items and ranges to the following for the 3 types of showers:

  • extreme meteor shower
    • drops stones, metal ore, high quality metal ore and sulfur ore
    • each item amount ranges from 100 – 2,500
  • mild meteor shower
    • drops stones and metal ore
    • each item amount ranges from 75 – 1,250
  • optimal meteor shower
    • drops stones, metal ore and high quality metal ore
    • each item amount ranges from 100 – 2,000

Broken SuperHeli

It’s a great event when the SuperHeli blows a gasket and goes down, leaving the pilot to eject with his loot waiting for the lucky, wandering Bumfuzzler. However, sometimes it comes way too often. I’ve now set it so that it won’t spawn until the regular SuperHeli spawns for a few times first. This way it’ll be more valuable.

Death Notes

I’ve made an update to Death Notes so when deaths happen, the messages are far more interesting and realistic. Here are a couple examples:

  • <playername> shot a Wolf using their Thompson over a distance of 1.1 meters.
  • <playername> fought off a Gas Station Attendant.
  • <playername> did not want to be a part of the Scientist’s experiments.
  • A Scientist shot down <playername>.
  • <playername> killed <playername> using their Salvaged Icepick.
  • <playername> inflamed <playername> with their Incendiary Rocket.
  • <playername>’s Auto Turret did its job and killed <playername>.

Violence with style! 🙂 I’ll continue to work the kinks out of these.

Discord Additions

I’m going to try to work on Discord a little more than I have in the past, but for now I’m starting off slow. I urge all you Bumfuzzlers to join and hang out there as it’s a fun tool to use in order to share more than just Rust experiences. Lots of you have grown to know each other fairly well over the time you’ve played here so it’s a great way to extend those friendships.

So far, I’ve added two bots to Discord:

  • Mee6 bot added
    • Provides auto moderation, automated messages, member levels based on participation and more.
  • Septapus bot added
    • Makes comics and charts from Discord chat and has been known to post large emojis lol

I’m also going to be posting live updates on Discord when they actually happen. That way you can be updated immediately on changes instead of waiting until I post on the website which usually takes place after a bunch of changes. For instance, the changes in this post took place over a couple of days and I don’t post all changes I make.

You can join the Discord server with this invite link – https://discord.gg/37uNKRX

So, some tweaks, but also some additions, some awesome things to come! Don’t forget Thursday is a wipe! I’ll be traveling so hopefully it all goes smooth from the hotel! Have fun Bumfuzzlers!
