
After some testing, I’ve adjusted some of the recent changes regarding resources, fixed a couple things, added a couple things and I’m ready to add a couple more options come the next wipe, but shhh until then 🙂


Truth was, it was all about the Chainsaw, Charcoal and Sulfur anyway, but I over compensated in my last update. Sorry about that.  So, as per the previous post, here’s what I changed:

  • Wood consumption is back to it’s original setting of 10.
  • Charcoal production will remain at a 1 to 1 ratio with 35% loss for now
  • I recently set all the metals to 3.5, but this was too high, but I’ve adjusted those:
    • Metal Ore: originally 1.5, now set to 2.0
    • Sulfur Ore: originally 1.0, now set to 3.0
    • High Quality Metal Ore: originally 3.5, now set to 4.0
  • The Chainsaw will now give 80% of the wood it’d normally get. This is still 400-500 more than the best ax.

These changes related only to Modtopia.

Chainsaw Zlevels

Well, the darn buzzer gone and crazied up the Zlevels. It appears if you use a chainsaw you can level up really quick. Well, I don’t have a way to slow it down so for right now, the chainsaw will simply not give you any new levels to your wood cutting. It will of course allow you to gather wood as usual, you just won’t level up. This relates only to Modtopia.

Special thanks to Saintbob for pointing out this issue.

Bumfuzzler Forums

I’ve had a few people ask me to create a forum so I tossed one up real quick. It needs some work, but should be functional.  Drop by, post and say hi or whatever you’d like! As long as you register for the website you should be able to access and post in the forums. You can access the forums here.

Thanks to ATaXiA for suggesting this recently and the others in the past who did.

SuperHeli Timing

Due to some recent changes, I now have the ability to set a minimum and maximum spawn time for the SuperHeli.  Now it should absolutely come out less often so that the torture is far less than usual lol I have heard the screams and do pay attention! Now the SuperHeli will appear anywhere between 2.6 and 8 hours. So it could come out at 3 hours or 6 hours, it’ll be randomized. This relates only to Modtopia as Vanillatopia is at defaults.

Furnace Splitter

Unfortunately, the plugin has gone a little weird. Placing 1,000 wood and 1,000 high quality metal ore in the furnace would give you 3 stacks of high quality metal ore – 1,334, 333, 333 and 1,000 wood so you’d get an extra 1,000 high quality metal ore. Obviously that’s not good.

I disabled the plugin on both Modtopia and Vanillatopia and will update it when there’s a fix available.


You’ll notice at the bottom left of your screen that you’ll have a balance of money. I’m playing around with economics, but haven’t setup anything yet for players to buy with the money. For now, joiners should get $1,000 bucks, with a $500 one-time reward and then $5 for every 5 minutes of gameplay.

I’m going to be testing the idea of using money for buying various items in a store so that players are rewarded for their loyalty in a new way. I’m not sure if it will be ready for the next wipe, but I’ll try my best. Regardless I will have goodies the next time wipe comes around 🙂 This applies only to Modtopia.


I’ve added 5 more quests for your adventurer pleasure:

  • Top Secret – A top secret military installation is near, you need the pictures of it.
  • Teddy Snuggle – You don’t sleep well these days, find pookie bears for your bed.
  • Read the News – Get Wall Street Journals and be learned about the world.
  • SuperHeli Plans – Find research papers and find flaws in SuperHeli design.
  • Stay Awake – Gas Station attendants work long hours, use sticks to keep open eyes.

All of these quests, for now are rewarding with currency.

Also, there were issues with two quests – Stuck on you, where you had to gather bottles of glue and Blood Transfusion where you had to gathering bags of blood. Both of those quests should now be fixed. Previously you were unable to select them.

When in game, type /q for the quest menu. You’ll find these new quests under the Loot category. All of the items in the quests can be found from NPCs, but Pookie Bears can be found anywhere! This applies only to Modtopia.

You Bumfuzzlers have a great time. Please keep providing feedback. You all are a massive help to me and really make it a whole lot easier to manage things.
