What’s up Bumfuzzlers?! I’m doing a bit of tweaking on Modtopia ahead of the wipe to everything from Homes, Teleports, Charcoal, Prestige levels and also adding a new plugin! Check out the details.
Homes & Teleports (Modtopia)
Lately people have been commenting on homes and teleports and there’s been times I’ve wanted to change it in the past, but just never found time to fully address it. Finally I have and hopefully you all like it better.
For both homes and teleports, uses are unlimited, however the cooldown and countdowns will change and be reduced as move up Prestige levels. Here’s what they look like.
- Default: 2 homes, unlim daily, 15 min cooldown, 20 sec countdown
- Legitimate: Increase: 3 homes (+1), unlim daily, 12 min cool (-3), 15 sec count (-5)
- Veteran: Increase: 4 homes (+2), unlim daily, 8 min cool (-7), 10 sec count (-10)
- Allegiance: Increase: 5 homes (+3), unlim daily, 5 min cool (-10), 5 sec count (-15)
- VIP: Increase: 6 homes (+4), unlim daily, 3 min cool (-12), 3 sec count (-12)
- Blood: Increase: 7 homes (+5), unlim daily, 1 min cool (-14), 1 sec count (-14)
- Teleport: unlim daily, 15 min cooldown, 20 sec countdown
- Level 11: Increase: unlim daily, 12 min cool (-3), 15 sec count (-5)
- Level 19: Increase: unlim daily, 5 min cool (-10), 5 sec count (-10)
- Level 24: Increase: unlim daily, 4 min cool(-1), 10 sec count (-20)
- Level 26: Increase: unlim daily, 3 min cool (-12), 3 sec count (-12)
- Blood: Increase: unlim daily, 1 min cool (-14), 1 sec count (-14)
Thanks Doge, Twisted Rhythm, Lich, Annyu for the feedback
Charcoal (Modtopia)
I’ve increased charcoal production by 20%. Before the changes, 100 wood would yield 34 charcoal and now 100 wood yields 56 charcoal. It doesn’t seem like a lot on that level, but it should give quite a bit more with large quantities of wood.
Upgrade Workbench (Modtopia)
I’ve added a new plugin that for now unlocks at Prestige level 28. If you’ve ever hated having your entire base being taken over by workbenches, trying to find space, this plugin is for you!
Now, you can type /upgradewb and as long as you have the resources, it will upgrade the workbench you’re looking at for the cost. For those of you who like to keep your footprint light this is a great way to save square footage.
Blood Prestige (Modtopia)
I’ve been promising it for a while, but I simply didn’t have the time. It literally took me 3 full hours to implement it and it wasn’t a casual stroll through the park.
I’m going to have to tweak the levels next since I really want to add more powerful unlocks towards the bottom of the Prestige ladder, but at least now the people who have the most loyalty will get benefits regarding homes & teleports. I’ll try to add more perks as I can.
I finally did it soundklown!
Prestige Levels (Modtopia)
Just to save me some typing, I’d wander over to the plugins page for Modtopia and take a gander at the way the levels are setup. The quick of it is, VIP used to be the highest level, but now above it we have Level 26, Level 27, Level 28, Level 29 and then finally Blood. I also added free skins to Level 21 (/skin shop)
Anti-Offline Raiding
We’ve used the plugin for a long time that prevented offline raiding, but it’s been controversial and resources are so plentiful that I think it’s time to put it to rest. Now, if you sign off, you’re stuff is up for grabs. Sorry!
Hope you Bumfuzzlers like the changes! Give me feedback as always. It’s extremely helpful in helping me tweak the server. Keep your eyes pealed for the wipe on 10/4. I think we’re going to be getting some nice goodies.