
Heya Bumfuzzlers! I’ve got a bunch of balancing going on this week so bare with me while I try my best to get it right ๐Ÿ™‚ We’ve got kit changes, zambie curbing, metabolism, magazine boosting and some awesome buys added to the in-game store! Let’s get cracking ๐Ÿ™‚

Zambie Hordes (Modtopia)

There were zambies everywhere! I love em, but unfortunately I think it was lagging the server a little. Because of that, I’ve reduced the zambies to 40 hordes which start of in groups of 3 and grow to 10. Again, you will see zambie hordes join forces when they come in contact with each other so beware! You never know when a giant group will hit!

Thanks MrNiceGuy for the feedback!

Metabolism (Modtopia)

For a while I was toying with metabolism, but as of the last patch it seems people were starving way too quickly. I was using it to try and mimic what real thirst and hunger would be like and it worked, but as with many things in Rust, and certainly in modded Rust, things don’t necessarily keep working ๐Ÿ™

I’ve disabled it for the time being. I’m not sure it’ll make a comeback ๐Ÿ™

Thanks MrNiceGuy for the heads up!

Base Recycler

I’ve lowered the crafting requirements for the recycler (/rec) a bit to make it easier to craft.

  • Scrap 250 > 225
  • Gears 15 > 10
  • Metal Springs 15 > 10

Just type /rec after reaching level 18 (/loyalty) or find one out there in a box. There’s a 14% chance you’ll find one!

Subscriber Kit (Modtopia)

For a while now, I’ve been dissatisfied with the subscriber kit contents. I love that Bumfuzzlers subscribe to the site and our Steam group to get it, but it’s simply over-powered with players getting C4 and rockets immediately at a wipe start.

Now the subscriber kit gives players 5 supply signals and it can be used 1 time per wipe. It’s not C4, but it will still give you a leg up at the start of a wipe and it’s somewhat random.

For now I’ve left the standard supply signal kit intact and you can still /vote to receive more supply signals. However, I may be removing that supply signal kit in the coming weeks. If you haven’t already, subscribe so you can keep up on Bumfuzzler happenings!

Thanks Joe Perry, Soundklown and Doc for your feedback!

Challenge Kits (Modtopia)

Similar to the subscriber kit, I’ve believed some of the challenge kits (/pc) are a bit over-powered for some time. I’ve tweaked almost every one of them with some getting more items and others getting less. It’ll still pay to be on top of those leader-boards for sure!

Magazine Boosting (Modtopia)

VIPs have had the power of the clip and it’s a great ability, but it’s time to tweak it a little. Having a 3x clip size over the other players on the server is a bit over-powered and I should have changed this earlier. For now, I’ve reduced its power to 2x. It’s still strong, but as you’ll see next, I think this will balance out.

Thanks to Joe Perry and Doc for the feedback!

In-Game Storeย (Modtopia)

Now any player can purchase the Magazine Boost and the Life Stealer ability from the store (/s). Up until now, VIPs were the only players who have had access to these abilities, but now anyone can have them. Magazine Boost is as I mentioned before. It gives you 2x the normal clip size for all weapons. Life Stealer, gives you the ability to fill your health when damaging other players.

If you think about it, PVP already awards the player with the most hits on the other. Life Stealer just gives players who land hits that much more of an advantage. Seems like the first few shots will make a major difference in the battle.

Given that reaching VIP requires a bit of loyalty (/loyalty), this should be a big seller. Both items will require 15 Reward Points which is not cheap, but you know it’s worth it! Start saving! ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks to Joe Perry and Doc for the feedback!

Fish Galore

Hey fisherman, I just updated the fishing mod which should now be more streamlined with easier commands and such.

To fish, head off and find some water. You need to be within a few meters or even standing in it. Take your Spear and jab the water floor and haul in a fish. You can also use your Bow or Crossbow to get near the water and shoot at it!

You can also use a fishing pole! While holding a spear, type /makepole to make a fishing pole, then when looking at water, type /castpole. A bobber will appear out in water and a countdown bar will appear onscreen. When the bar disappears, you will either catch something or not!

Bonuses are granted depending on time of day, quality of weapon, what you wear and have on you. By default, there is a very small chance to random loot crates as well!

Happy hunting! err fishing! ๐Ÿ™‚

Performance (Vanillatopia)

Over the last week or so, I’ve been having issues with performance on Vanillatopia. I’m working with my host to get it squared away. There were a couple of times it restarted without warning and then afterwards, the plugins wouldn’t load. I just reinstalled some things and the host took at a look at it. I’m hoping the issues will subside, but let me know!

As always thanks to you all for the great feedback. Last minute thanks to MrNiceGuy for helping me fix (crossing fingers) a Raid Sympathy situation. Have fun Bumfuzzlers!
