
Bumfuzzlers, again, we’ve got lots to talk about! On the heels of all the recent changes, I have a new batch of modifications that I hope you like. Here we go!

Anti-Offline Raiding

I was going to wait on this, but DJRYFY put it in my ear and I figured maybe making changes before a wipe is better than waiting a week. With the new absence of ladders inside of building blocked zones, it’ll be harder to raid and even without that fact, I’ve been wanting to change the offline raiding for a while now. My goals were two-fold. 1) give less protection time and 2) make it easier to understand. So here’s what I came up with:

As always, once you sign off, protection will kick in 15 minutes from that time. Once it kicks in, it will initially go to 100% and decrease each hour by 10%. This will give you Bumfuzzlers some protection for up to 10 hours so you can go to work, eat your TV dinner and still have some bonus to spare! In the previous mode you’d have some protection up to 36 hours so this is a major change.

Here’s an example based on a sign off of 11:45pm:

  • 11:45pm you sign off
  • 12:00am 0-1 hours 100% protection
  • 1:00am 1-2 hours 90% protection
  • 2:00am 2-3 hours 80% protection
  • 3:00am 3-4 hours 70% protection
  • 4:00am 4-5 hours 60% protection
  • 5:00am 5-6 hours 50% protection
  • 6:00am 6-7 hours 40% protection
  • 7:00am 7-8 hours 30% protection
  • 8:00am 8-9 hours 20% protection
  • 9:00am 9-10 hours 10% protection
  • 10:00am protection has ended

SuperHeli Adjustments

To me it seems like some big ticket items – and a lot of them – are really easy to get. For instance, the Helicopter Refuel and Pilot Eject events are really easy to complete successfully. So I got to thinking it would be a good idea to start trimming around the edges a little. I didn’t adjust the loot in the crates, but I did adjust the crate amounts. For the Helicopter Refuel I cut the crates from 6 to 3 and for the Pilot Eject event I cut the crates from 3 to 1.

I also adjusted the SuperHeli to make it easier to take down in terms of health, but I adjusted it slightly in aggression. I cut the health in half (now 7,500), but increased speed by 25%, upped blunt damage 40, explosive damage 40, explosion radius from 5 to 7.5 and increased max rockets by 5. I did cut you Bumfuzzlers a break by adjusting the time between rockets from 0.35 seconds to 0.50 seconds 🙂

Loot Rarity

There were some items that I felt were a little off in terms of rarity. There were also some situations where items never even spawned out there in the world and I figure why not? Let’s do it. For the sake of discussion, keep in mind the rarity is on a scale of 0 to 5 like so:

  • Never Spawn = 0
  • Common = 1
  • Uncommon = 2
  • Rare = 3
  • Very Rare = 4

The following items never spawned:

  • bbq adjusted 0 > 1
  • fireplace adjusted 0 > 1
  • floor grill adjusted 0 > 1
  • floor ladder hatch adjusted 0 > 1
  • wooden box adjusted 0 > 1
  • large wooden box adjusted 0 > 3
  • flare adjusted 0 > 2
  • snowball adjusted 0 > 1
  • snowman adjusted 0 > 2
  • all Christmas tree and decorations adjusted 0 > 2

The following items I always thought were strangely set:

  • furnace adjusted 3 > 2
  • furnace large adjusted 1 > 3
  • code lock adjusted 3 > 2

The following were adjusted to make quests (/q) a little easier:

  • bleach 2 > 1
  • blood 2 > 1
  • glue 2 > 1
  • duct tape 2 > 1

Running Man Change

For the last few weeks I’ve been thinking this plugin gives players a free reward for sitting on their bums in their base trying to avoid someone from killing them. On the other hand, it gives them a reward for revealing their location since other players use it to find out where a players base is. Well, right now at least, I think this whole thing is a bad idea. I want players to be able to keep their bases secret, I want others to explore and I don’t want to give Bumfuzzlers rewards for sitting on their tookus.

So for now, I’ve disabled this plugin until I can consider adjustments.

Teleportation Adjustments

I’ve given everyone 10 more teleports. By default, Bumfuzzlers now get 30, Legitimate 32, Veteran 34, Allegiance 40 and VIP 50. This should help out getting around better!

SuperBradley Changes

The SuperBradley has for a long time despised the NPCs and felt the need to torture them with an endless barrage of relentless damage! It never really made sense to have the tank fire on what would most likely be his own team! Now, the Bradley will play nice with the NPCs and only hate you 🙂

I’ve also made some changes to the Bradley as well. The SuperBradley now respawns after 30 minutes, has a start health 500 higher, it’s turrets were adjusted to shoot 20 meters further and the speed was adjusted down 20%. Additionally, crates were adjusted down to 3 to match the SuperHeli.

Lifetime Packages

After some careful thought and a couple requests, I’ve added lifetime packages to the Bumfuzzler store. However, for now, I’ve only added this to the Warp Master, Blueprint Master,  Builder, Gather, Hunter & Raider packages. You’ll now find these packages available in 1 month, 2 month or lifetime varieties. I’ll consider expanding this to the other packages in the near future. Check out the store for more information!

I hope you like the adjustments and continue to have great fun! Stay tuned for fun things coming in February! (I hope. School starts again for me so I might be too optimistic lol)
