
Hey Bumfuzzlers! Got some really nice changes coming your way and also a bunch of improvements based on your feedback! We’ve got changes to doors, recycling, treasure maps, choppers and much more! Check it out!

Treasure Maps

I’ve made a couple of updates to the treasure map functionality that make it work better.

  • Treasure maps can now be dropped on the ground and picked back up
  • Right-clicking maps is now the same as /markmap
  • Right-clicking gold coins is now the same as /sellgold

Here’s a video to show you how the right-clicking works.

There’s a couple of things to consider.

  1. You have to place the map or gold into your toolbelt
  2. Sometimes I’ve found you have to left-click it and then right-click.
  3. It may seem to go back into your inventory for a second, but it’ll do its business.
  4. The loot for the treasure is exactly the same as the boxes you find in the world. In the future it will be expanded so that these boxes have a higher quality of loot. However, keep in mind there are different maps so finding an elite map will give you an elite box and so on.
  5. I’ve enabled the Treasure Maps on Vanillatopia, but only the maps, not the gold coins because there is no economy there.

Sliding Doors

I made the decision to run this plugin a while back so when isueIt brought it up, I said why not?

Sure, the aesthetics are awesome and it feels cool, but it’s also very functional. The swinging doors are so annoying at times and it’s really hard to move around your base trying to figure out which way they swing. Sometimes you’re stuck accidentally because they block each other and so on.  Additionally, because these doors slide, you can also stop them mid-slide to create a slot to look through! Very cool idea.

Once you hit Level 11 (500 /loyalty points) just look at a door and type /sdoor. This will toggle a door between swinging and sliding.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Once you make a door sliding, you won’t be able to pick it up unless you convert it back to a regular door.
  • Some have reported losing their code locks although in testing I haven’t seen it. Please pay attention to this!
  • This only works on single doors for the moment. Double doors are not supported.
  • I haven’t tested this with the plugin that automatically closes doors when you sign off (/ofd) This ability is available to players who are Allegiance level and above (5,000 /loyalty). I assume it will work just fine, but let me know if you see anything to show otherwise.
  • As I mentioned, sliding doors will be available to players who are Level 11 (500 loyalty points /loyalty) and above.

Base Recyclers

I haven’t been a huge fan of the way recycling worked. The fact that players – who have permissions – can recycle anywhere is somewhat over powered if you ask me. Top that with the fact that I’ve been seeing lots of errors with it. So for a while I’ve been eyeing a solution that I decided was time to implement.

Instead of being able to simply call up a virtual recycler, you’ll now be using an actual recycler like the one you can find at various monuments. This recycler, you will craft and it will stay in your home(s) to use whenever you’d like.

Here’s some of the starting settings we’ll be going with:

  • To craft the recycler you use the command /rec
  • You’ll require the following resources: Scrap – 250, gears – 15, metal spring 15.
  • All players will be limited to 2 recyclers
  • Cooldown for crafting recyclers is 24 hours
  • Previously players would get access to recyler at Level 21 (6,000 /loyalty), crafting recyclers is gained now at Level 18 (3,500 /loyalty)

When you craft the recycler, it will look like a box in your inventory until the skin loads and when you place it, it will look like a box as well. Once placed, of course it will become a recycler as you can see below.

Initially, I’ll be starting off using the same settings for everyone, but it’s important to note I can adjust quite a bit with this new method including different settings for different levels. Each different level can have different limits, cooldowns, ratios of return, ratios for scrap, speed and some other settings too.

I mention this because a few of of you have mentioned taking issue with Facepunch’s adjustment to returned scrap on recycling. For now, I’m going to keep it simple and leave it at the default setting, but over the next couple weeks, I’ll make some changes as I hear some feedback about it.

Vanillatopia Improvements

There are a couple of fixes I made on Vanillatopia based on some much appreciated feedback!

  • Helicopter max life cut by 50%. Thanks MrNiceGuy & ATaXia!
  • Helicopter now can be harvested after 5 seconds (was 8 minutes) Thanks ATaXia!
  • Sign Artist, the plugin that allows you to put images on signs now has the proper permissions /sil <imagepath> Thanks ATaXia!
  • Skin perks,  the plugin that gives items special abilities based on skin, is now working! Go get yourself a 2 x damage bolty! 🙂 Thanks ATaXia!
  • Auto SearchLights are now operational. You can use /rustnet and /sl to remotely control your lights! Thanks ATaXia!
  • With Blueprints unlocked completely, it makes no sense to have them in barrels! I reviewed the list to ensure there were none enabled. Thanks ATaXia!
  • Shotgun Incendiary ammo was only stacking to 64 while other ammo stacked to 256. Thanks ATaXia! I went through the stackings and fixed a few:
    • Ammo shotgun fire stacks to 256
    • Diving Fins stacks to 256
    • Diving Mask stacks to 256
    • Diving Tank stacks to 256
    • Diving Wetsuit stacks to 256
    • Geiger Counter stacks to 256
    • Fishingrod Handmade stacks to 256 (yes, it’s coming!)
    • Hazmatsuit Scientist Peacekeeper stacks to 256
    • Horsemeat Burned stacks to 256
    • Horsemeat Cooked stacks to 256
    • Horsemeat Raw stacks to 256

Modtopia Improvements

I’ve also made a few changes to Modtopia based on some much appreciated feedback!

  • Helicopter max life cut by 50%. Thanks MrNiceGuy & ATaXia!
  • Helicopter now can be harvested after 5 seconds (was 8 minutes) Thanks ATaXia!
  • Quest requirements were a bit high for the 1 week wipe cycle. I cut the requirements and rewards in half. Thanks ATaXia!
  • Quest cooldowns were adjusted to 2 days – previously 1 day.
  • Underwater loot and basic crates were a little weak. I’ve upped the loot in them.

WebSite Improvements

I did some work on the post comments. Now they’re better formatted, but also as the poster you have more control over what you’re posting as well. It was fairly difficult before to get a point across when unable to quote, bold words and such. Now it’s all good. Comment on this post to check them out! 🙂

Thursday’s Wipe

Keep in mind another map wipe is coming up on Thursday. Blueprints will remain. I’m liking the weekly wipe cycle. Tell me what you think!

On the following Thursday I expect the monthly patch which may have some interesting goodies in it! I’ll post shortly about some of the things Facepunch is planning for all of us!

Thanks Bumfuzzlers and keep up the feedback! It’s so helpful I can’t say it enough. Keep having fun! 🙂

