
Hey Bumfuzzlers! After a few feverish rounds of massive expansion, this week’s focus is to balance and fix several outstanding situations. There’s a Discord giveaway, Sign Manager fixes, balances to Frequent Flier and enhancements to the Pirate Booty package, Raidable NPC Base improvements, Water Base expansions, Super Skin Crate goodness, Zombie behavior modification, today’s wipe, and more!

Super Skin Crate

The Super Skin Crate is an extremely valuable resource as it holds nothing but Super Skins!

Super Skin Crate

Not only can you get some awesome Super Skins from this crate, but it’s the best possible way to get yourself a Super Skin Combo. The combos give you some serious boost in everything from gathering to radiation protection and more. Put together an entire set to see for yourself!

Until just recently, there was an issue where the loot wasn’t working correctly. This caused the crate to use the default locked crate loot for some of the Super Skin Crate levels of difficulty.

Now that situation is resolved and regardless of which Super Skin Crate difficulty you’re going up against, the loot should be strictly all Super Skins! For more information on how Super Skin Crates work, see my recent post – Team Limits, Welcome, Skin Combos.

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback.

Sign Manager

There’s been an ongoing issue where neon signs would not be saved properly.

Sign Manager

That should be resolved now.

If you haven’t used Sign Manager before, you really should. Starting at Level 14 (/loyalty) any sign you create is automatically saved to your Sign Manager. From then on you can simply walk up to a sign, type /sm, and apply signs you’ve created before. This saves lots of time for players who use images from the web and surely for players who draw really detailed signs.

Your signs will even save from wipe to wipe!

Thanks to Fakiee for the feedback.

Frequent Flier

The Frequent Flier package provides you with tons of benefits for those who like their minis.


Here’s what you get with your purchase of Frequent Flier Package :

  • Spawn your own minicopter (/mymini) cooldown 2 hrs
  • Call your minicopter to your location (/fmini)
  • Ability to destroy your minicopter (/nomini)
  • Unlimited minicopter fuel
  • Minicopter does not decay
  • Place code locks on your mini (/lockit.code)
  • Place code locks on your scrap helicopter (/lockit.code)
  • Claim ownership of a minicopter, scrap helicopter (/vclaim, /vunclaim)

Apparently you were able to call your mini to you if you were building blocked. I think that’s a bit overpowered so I’ve disabled that ability.

It’s a fair limitation to a strong package. Consider picking it up to support the server!

Raidable Bases

The NPC bases are a constant balancing act and with your feedback, they’ll eventually settle down.

C4 Explosive Suit

A couple of fixes:

  • One of the bases appeared to only have one box in it. I’ve since resolved that.
  • Now when inside the NPC base zone, and you try to teleport, it won’t teleport you only a couple of feet, but instead directly to your intended destination.

This last one has been quite a nagging issue so it’s a great thing to have that resolved.

Thanks Fakiee , CaramelApple, and others for the feedback.

Water Bases

Since the initial release, I’ve done some balancing to the Water Bases.

Water Bases

At Level 10 (/loyalty) you gain access to water bases. This means you can build floating foundations on the water without having to build down to the ocean floor. It’s a really awesome way to build.

To build a water base, notice the UI element when using the building plan that allows you to craft foundations. You can find a complete rundown on how to work with water bases in my last post – Floating Water Bases, Drones, Prom

Since the original release, I’ve increased the foundation limits for the various Loyalty levels (/loyalty) to allow players to build just a bit bigger.

  • Level 10: now has 16 foundations available
  • Level 22: now has 28 foundations available
  • Level 28: now has 36 foundations available

This way even the earliest levels should be able to honeycomb their bases nicely.

If you pick up the Pirate Booty package you’ll get up to 64 foundations and tons of perks for boats, RHIBs, and submarines like unlimited fuel and no decay!

Thanks to Fakiee for the feedback.

Sulfur Gather

The gather rate on Bumfuzzlernilla appears to have been set lower than expected.


The sulfur gather rate was set to 1.5x. Now it’s at 3x.

Thanks for the feedback Zombilicous

Teleporting Underwater

With the recent patch’s inclusion of the new Underwater Labs, teleportation plugins needed some updating.


Right after the patch, players could teleport from the Underwater Labs to home or other players.

Now, Homes (/home) and Teleportation (/tp) now will no longer work from the Underwater Labs.

Thanks Fakiee and Kreeperlink for the feedback.

Pirate Booty

Not so long ago, the Pirate Booty package was born. Now we already have some meaty expansion to it.

Pirate Booty

Some massive value has been added to help you conquer the seven seas!

  • Rowboats, RHIBs, and Submarines no longer decay
  • Rowboats, RHIBs, and Submarines no longer require fuel

This is a massive addition to an already valuable sea-faring pirate package for those who endeavor to take over the ocean!

For people who don’t purchase the package, you can achieve unlimited fuel with loyalty points (/loyalty):

  • Level 27: Unlimited fuel for rowboats
  • Level 28: Unlimited fuel for RHIBs
  • Level 30: Unlimited fuel for Submarines

You can’t however achieve no decay for Rowboats, RHIBs, and Submarines through loyalty (/loyalty). You can only get that when purchasing the Pirate Booty package.

Consider snatching up the Pirate Booty package to support the server and take over the waterways!

Zombie Explosives

A few weeks ago I set up the zombies to toss explosives at players who tried to hide from zombies on foundations and rocks, etc.


This obviously is a worthy endeavor. After all, players shouldn’t be able to easily escape the horde.

Unfortunately, there were a few exploits possible with them using Timed Explosives, Satchel Charges, and F1 Grenades.

From now on they’ll only be armed with Beancan Grenades. This should be more than enough power to force someone out into the open.

Thanks Matt for the feedback.

Discord Giveaway

Each wipe, I try to do giveaways in Discord. Welp, we’ve got another one!

Giveaway Contest

This time, you could win 2 weeks of either Pirate Booty, Electrical Dream or Drone Pilot!

All really great packages to help get you started off on the right foot for the wipe!

Jump on Discord and enter to win! Look for the #giveaways channel.

Improving Performance

Since the last patch, a few people have commented about lag and framerate reduction. It’s hard to tell if it’s local to them or related to the patch, but I decided to see what I can do from the server side.


There could be issues related to entity count at either the server or base level.

  1. Overall entity limit on the map may be high
  2. Overall entity limit  for buildings may be high
  3. Players may be overloading their bases with certain entities

So I’m going to reintroduce limits on entities per player globally and also per building.

I’ll need feedback from you Bumfuzzlers just in case I limit them too much so it’ll be a balancing act for a little bit.

Here’s what I’ve limited.

  • Searchlights: Player Limit 20, Building limit 4
  • Large Planters: Player Limit 10, Building limit 10
  • Small Planters: Player Limit 15, Building limit 15
  • Vending Machines: Player Limit 10, Building limit 10
  • Hobo Barrel: Player Limit 10, no building limit
  • Large Furnaces: Player Limit 12, Building limit 6
  • Small Furnaces: Player Limit 30, Building limit 15
  • Fireplaces: Player Limit 10, Building limit 2
  • Campfires: Player Limit 10, no building limit
  • Skull Fire Pits: Player Limit 10, no building limit
  • Cursed Caldron: Player Limit 10, no building limit
  • Large Candle Set: Player Limit 10, no building limit
  • Small Candle Set: Player Limit 10, no building limit
  • Oil Refinery: Player Limit 5, Building limit 2
  • Windmills: Player Limit 6, Building limit 2

Hopefully, this is not too limiting and it improves the performance of the server.

I will likely tinker with these items in the coming wipes until a good balance is found.

To check the limits at any time, you can type /limit.

Please let me know if you have any feedback.


Today is the 3rd Thursday of the month which means Bumfuzzlertopia is heading for a map wipe!

Bathroom Stalls

As I won’t be available later in the day today, Bumfuzzlertopia will map wipe a little earlier between 1 pm and 2 pm EST. Blueprints and the economy will stay as usual. If you’d like to vote on the map, join Discord and go to the #polls channel!

On Saturday morning, Bumfuzzlernilla will have a map wipe.

As always, I truly appreciate all you Bumfuzzlers for your feedback and support. Please continue to have as much fun as possible! If you have any feedback at all, please find a way to get it to me. Discord is always the preferred way since it gets to me best. Have fun out there!

Here are some of the latest happenings in Facepunch’s Rust and a bit of explanation for what might be coming in the next patch on September 2nd.
