
Worldwide Flood, Earl, Code Locks

Hey Bumfuzzlers! There are some goodies waiting for you! New Earl features, linking to Discord, sleeper protections, worldwide floods, purchasing raidable bases, code lock more items, and various fixes and tweaks to improve your experience! [...]

Convoy, Feature Pages, Water

New features like Convoy, recycler, backpack & stacking changes, updates to store packages, Freddy and Jason improvements, tons of other adjustments, a bunch of fixes, and more!

Restart Rewards, Prestige GUI, Wipes

Hey Bumfuzzlers! More unique features and improvements! Server restarts and wipe schedules, rewards for rejoining after restarts, night bonus and gather rate fixes, Prestige GUI updates, Bumfuzzlernilla unlocks, and more! Read on!

Loyalty, BumfuzzlerNation, Combo

Bumfuzzlernation, Prestige sync and user interface, info menu changes, Shield Boost boosts, farming entity count increases, water base adjustments, changes to smelting, a moo Super Skin Combo, and much more!

Raid Alarms, Cleanup, Giveaways

Hey Bumfuzzlers! This week we've got a bunch of polishing going on, but not entirely tweaks! There's some cleanup in aisle 9, a new raid alarm feature, server list changes, Discord giveaways, Raidable Base fixes, unlimited fuel fixes, and water base adjustments. Oh, and today's wipe! Read on for more info!

Super Skin, Pirate Booty, Zombies

Hey Bumfuzzlers! After a few feverish rounds of massive expansion, this week's focus is to balance and fix several outstanding situations. There's a Discord giveaway, Sign Manager fixes, changes to the Frequent Flier and Pirate Booty packages, Raidable NPC Base improvements, Water Base expansions, Super Skin Crate goodness, Zombie behavior, the wipe, and more!

Floating Water Bases, Drones, Prom

Hey Bumfuzzlers! We've got another week of serious expansion with some serious game-changing features! Drone crafting, floating water bases, multiple new packages, unlimited RHIB fuel fixes, auto code lock changes for streamers, a Prom event by one of our Bumfuzzlers, an upcoming wipe tomorrow, and what appears to be a massive Rust patch by Facepunch coming up. Read on!

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