The Latest Rust Server News

Here you can find all the latest news about Rust Server changes on Bumfuzzlertopia and Bumfuzzlernilla. Knowing the background on configuration and plugin modifications will give you a clear advantage for playing through the wipe cycle.

  • Vanilla

Bumfuzzlernilla, Raiding Parties, Makeover

Hey Bumfuzzlers! The Bumfuzzlernilla server has gotten a redesign, both servers had some graphical makeovers, there's new Discord voice channels, raiding party bases, some wipe talk, and some wipes happening! Read on for full info!

  • Sexy Combo

Super Skins, Sexy Combos, Sleepy Joe

Hey Bumfuzzlers! Lots of new features to hit before the wipe! Almost 100 new Super Skins, a brand new custom feature called Super Skin Combos, the Sleepy Joe Biden Bunker custom monument, new monument recyclers, taking vehicle and horse ownership, some trading post adjustments, and the upcoming wipe! Read on for all the juicy info!

  • Fuel Pump

Fuel Indicator, Box Photos, Car Genius

Hey Bumfuzzlers! We've got a new fuel indicator for the minicopter, rowboat, RHIB, scrap transport, modular car, a Car Genius package for modular vehicle enthusiasts, updates to the Electrical Dream package, the ability to place item photos on boxes, upcoming loot changes, the impending map wipe, and more! Have a look-see!

  • Car Lift

Heli Locks, Monument Lifts, Summer Loot

Hey Bumfuzzlers! I've got some updates for you! Now frequent fliers can lock their minicopters, the SuperBradley is back to his smokey old self, car lifts have been added to Supermarkets and Gas Stations, tons of items have been added to the loot, we've got some raid blocking adjustments, the Airwolf shop now gives proper default fuel, we have SuperBradley noob protection, Mobile App gets connectivity reliability, a whole lot of stacking, wipe talk and more!

  • Freddy Krueger

SuperBradley, Krueger, Raiding Parties

Hey Bumfuzzlers! This week brings some awesome changes and epic expansions! We've got a bossier Bradley APC, A.K.A. SuperBradley, the sweetening of Supply Drops, a new Freddy Krueger boss, raiding party bases, web store subscriptions, the 1st Thursday wipe and much more! Read on!

  • Toilet Paper

Timely Wipe, Warp, Quarry Zones

Hey Bumfuzzlers! I've added noob animal protection, changed defensive item stacking, survey charge availability, weapon attachment loot, gather rates, scrap amounts, safe zone vending machines, hopefully, fixed backpacks being lost, for now, created monument zones to prevent quarry takeovers, and we have a wipe today to break up our 5-Thursday month! Read on!

  • Horse Whistle

Faithful Whistle, Warping, Silencers

Hey Bumfuzzlers! I've got some awesome updates for you just in time for the wipe today! More skins with Skinbox, going stealth with silencers, loot additions, safe zone teleports, Warp Master improvements, whistling for your horse, Gallop Package improvements, Outpost and Bandit Camp vending reworks, less fly hacks and today's wipe!

  • Diving

Deep Diving, Research, Discord

Hey Bumfuzzlers! Got some news for you on the upcoming forced wipe tomorrow! We have adjustments to night and day selection, night bonus gather rates, Southern Border bot nerfs, server restart schedule changes, team UI and clan integration, new diving levels and alerts, minicopter perk fixes, research protection, preparation for vehicles, Discord improvements, and the wipe! Read on Bumfuzzler brothers and sistahs!